
Friday, October 24, 2014

Blog Post # 3

This collage image was designed by Eduardo Paolozzi, it was made in 1967. It was cut- and pasted printed paper and pencil on graph paper. This is a 2 D collage which counts with a variety of color. As we can see it counts with primaries colors such the red, blue and yellow that are the most vivid colors that we can appreciate in this collage. As we can realize, we can apply the rule of Thirds on the three cartoons that are on the top.  For me there doesn’t seem to be a focal point in this collage, the attention of this piece is all around causing the eye to move across the art work. I could also argue that there are many parts where we can appreciate unity. For example, the way that the artist arranged the pieces and the colors in the cartoons could be one, and also the way the he arranged the color in those little squares. This collage also has repetition or pattern because it has a repeated design. This is an interesting collage because it seems that the artist  took his time to create this wonderful collage   if we analyze it deeply we are going to realize that it also has variety  because it provides similarity and contrast to attract the viewer’s attention. It is interesting that we can say that this work art hast two visual weight elements and those are symmetric and asymmetric because if we fold it in almost half of the collage is going to look the same but the rest that are those little boxes with different colors are going look different because they don’t have the same design nor the same colors.

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