
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Museum Essay #1


     This past week I was able to go to the Metropolitan Museum of art and I got to walk around and look at lots of art from different ages and different mediums. While at the Metropolitan museum of art I came across these two pieces of art. On the top the first one is called Large Interior by David Hockney made in 1988. The second piece is called Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist by Michele da Verona made in late 1490s.
     These two pieces of art both have many differences. Both these pieces are oil paintings but Verona piece is oil on wood and Hockney piece is oil and ink on pasted paper on canvas. Another difference is Hockney uses bright primary and secondary colors that seems to pop out of the painting. On Verona's painting uses primary,secondary and tertiary colors but the colors seem more calm and not as bright as Hockney color use. In Hockney's painting he uses geometric shapes such as triangle, squares and rectangles and he also has organic shapes. There aren't any geometric shapes seen in Verona's piece. Hockney shows visual rhythm by showing the repeated use of the shapes like the triangles. Both paintings also have different eye levels. Verona's eye level is a neutral position and Hockney's eye level is above eye level, the painting makes you feel as if you're looking down from above the painting. I also noticed in Verona's work uses the rules of odds, there are only three people in the painting. In Hockney's work he has even number of tables and chairs. Verona's oil painting has to deal with religious beliefs and Hockney's painting isn't dealing with religious beliefs but with a painting of a room. In Hockney's painting the value is implied. I can see the implied light behind the chairs and table, they have shadows which implies there is light in the painting.
     There are lots of differences, there are also similarities in the paintings. Both paintings are made with oil. Although the use of the colors are different both paintings are very colourful. The pieces are both asymmetrical. In both paintings one side is heavier than the other side. They both have negative space, Hockney's negative space is the white behind three shapes and Verona's negative space is the white cloth placed around the women's head.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good but a little brief! You point out great things about these 2 works- just a little more writing please! 400-600 words are required!
