
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Post #6

After drawing my blog post # 6, I feel like a professional drawer because I wasn’t aware that I could draw like that. I guess that I owe that to the techniques that I have learned in this class. I know that my drawing is not that good or pretty but for me it is beautiful because it is the first drawing that I feel proud of. As you can realize my drawing contains overlapping because there are many objects over the big square that is the table. It also has relative size or scale because the two objects that are in the right part  of the table are the same size but for the fact that one is in front of the other makes the one that is in front  look bigger and the one that is behind  look smaller. This drawing is asymmetric. For me the focal point is the table that is in the middle. The subject is this drawing is above eye level because when I was drawing this I was sitting in front of the table. The style of this artwork is Representational because you can say exactly what it is (I guess).  It doesn’t have any color but I used the technique of shading. I also used lines, there are horizontal, vertical and curves lines. It also contains geometric shapes such as the squares the circles and the triangles.

This painting is called “Christina’s World”.  It was painted by Andrew Wyeth in 1948. The Medium used in this painting was tempera on panel. This is a very simple painting but it is very straight forward about what we have learned in class. For example, this is a 2D painting, in which the foreground is the lady that is lying on the ground. The middle ground is the empty space in the middle where we can also see the green grass, and the background is those houses that are back there. In this painting we can also appreciate relative size or scale because the houses that are in the back look smaller compared to the lady that is on the ground and as you keep looking until the last thing that you can see, everything is getting smaller, the last thing that we can see is a house and probably all those houses are the same size but somehow they look smaller because they are in the background. In this painting there is not overlapping at all. The visual balance is asymmetrical because both sides are different. This painting is representational because that landscape looks very real. The artist didn’t play much with color because as we can realize the most predominant color is the green. What the artist used in this artwork is the monochromatic technique because he played with the variation of the color green. As we can realize there is a place where the green is a little be softer compared with the rest.


  1. Excellent example of relative size / scale. Beautiful painting! Notice the girl? How she is almost pointing her body like an arrow. It allows your eye to wander around the piece which I like. Really good job

  2. Hilda- your drawing is so interesting! It looks like a birds-eye view, like we are up high looking down at the desk. The Wyeth painting you chose has a clear sense of space because of the figure up so close and the house in the distance.
