
Thursday, October 16, 2014

blog post

This piece of artwork that I chose from the Metropolitan Museum of Art was made by Giovanni Battista Mola made around the year 1630-31. I think this drawing really shows the techniques we learned in the last class about lines. On the museum website it states that this drawing was made with brown ink. The artwork shows many examples of lines for example the artwork shows a sort of archway or doorway, it also shows a lady on the right side of the art work that seems to be leaning on something and looking away. It also shows shading for the peoples facial features and in the walls. I think this artist also used the technique of crosshatching to on the lady to show that she is dressed and to describe motion. After spending time drawing in class I have a different way of looking at art, I now realise the amount of detail that goes into drawing. The artwork is monochromatic because it shows many variations and shading of the same color. It also shows visual rhythm because it shows repetition of the same colors and lines. I think the focal point of this artwork is the empty space in the middle because that is where the attention is directed. The art piece also shows contour lines that creates an understanding of space on a flat surface. I believe that this art shows approximate symmetry because if you were to fold this art in half the difference we see is the lady on the side of the drawing.

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