
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Post #5

Brian DeGraw. 4:18 am. (2003)
This is a felt-tip pen and ballpoint pen drawing done by Brian DeGraw in 2003.  This is pretty 

Peter Doig. Study for Lapeyrouse Wall. 2003
This is an oil painting done on paper by Peter Doig in 2003 called "Study for Lapeyrouse Wall."  The figure in it is slightly abstracted but not so much that you can hardly tell what it is.  It is clearly a man holding an umbrella and walking away from the viewer.  The feet seem much to large for the rest of the figure and the legs seem to be bent a little bit in a weird way.  A major clue to show that the painting is stylized it that the figure's face isn't shown.  He's walking away and his head is even obscured by the shadow from the umbrella.  There is a basic sense of what is going on in the painting but there doesn't seem to be any great effort to put a lot of detail into the work.  There is an almost perfect symmetry even though for some reason it feels heavier on the right side to me.  That is most likely because he is facing and walking in that direction.  But the figure is pretty much right in the center of the painting and the umbrella is pretty much directly on top of the figure's head.  The background is pretty even from on side to the other although there are some weird splotches about 1/3 of the way up the painting and I'm not sure if they were intended to be something and I just don't see it or if it's just how things came out or maybe they were intentional but not really meant to be anything. Overall I think this a good work.  It is stylized and abstracted just enough so the lack of detail doesn't seem like poor skill and it isn't boring to look at. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great image and your wrote well about the style. Why do you think the artist chose to paint the figure in this way? that was part of the assignment.
