
Friday, October 17, 2014

Blog #5

Joe Bradley, 2013
In Joe Bradley's Untitled, we see an stylized drawing of a clown. It was not meant to look realistic, and it was simplified quite a lot, but we are still able to tell it is a clown. I think the artist chose to work in this style because it may have been meant to look like a child drew it. Clowns are supposed to be a fun and childlike, this drawing is to the point; it is drawn simply because it is meant to be the opposite of serious. If it were meant to be serious, the clown may have been drawn to have a solemn look on his face. From what I have seen, there are rarely any detailed works of clowns with anything but a serious expression. Clowns are meant to be silly and not taken seriously, so the art style that they are drawn in should match. The clowns that are drawn to be unhappy or something similar are usually drawn in a realistic or abstract style, usually very detailed. I feel like this drawing in particular was made to look like a child created it because it is simple and happy. There is not much to this drawing at all; the clown is smiling and seems to be slightly hidden behind a wall. I think people are meant to interpret this however their mindset is. Some may think the clown is just smiling for no reason at all, and others may think he is planning something.

1 comment:

  1. A great (and simple!) example of representational style of the figure- and good interpretation of why the artist chose to draw it in this style.
