
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Museum Essay #1


     Art is a way an artist can express themselves and many choose different ways, such as a painting,sculpture, photograph etc… while walking around in The Metropolitan museum many great things caught my attention but it didn't take long for me to get really hooked into how beautifully in different time ears artist sculpted vases.. Although the two vases I chosed for this essay are more than 500 years apart we can compare how both vases have the same shape and artistic design to them. The vase on the right is a vase from 1828-36, Tucker factory 1826-1838 was made in this nation early republic era. This 3D art has paintings of philadephia going around the vase that famous architect benjamin Henry Latrube and james Fish who built the landmarks that’s going around the vase. It’s beautiful colors with organic shapes and complementary colors this vase has brings this vase very beautiful together. The focal point is right then when you look at the vase you can see the beautiful landmarks right away and thats what the artist wanted us to focus the most on. The second vase on the left made in 250-300 found in La guierce, central France is another beautiful vase I came upon on. This vase is part of a treasure with champleve-enamel this vase was found along with Roman coins, several other vessels as well as other gold and silver jewelry. When looking at this vase we can tell that this vase has actual lines and texture, it has beautiful  repetition of color and shapes giving it visual rhythm. When taking a closer look at this vase it has both positive and negative space. What came to my attention the most was that both of these vases are so similar with the way is shaped and how both artist managed to give their vase such art and not leave the vase plain and put their distinctive touches having such a huge time gap, yet different in its own way. The Metropolitan museum is one of my favorite museums, every time I go there i always get amazed with the beautiful pieces they have to share with everyone. I loved the trip that we had with the class to get the opportunity to go and see other artist work of art. It doesnt matter how many times i go to this museum I never get tired of it.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting Yamilka but could have been a little longer to describe more of your ideas..these two similar objects are very different- and you only begin to talk about that!
