
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Museum Essay

             The first painting is called A State Yacht and Other Craft in Calm Water. This work was created by Jan van de Cappelle in 1660. This is one of Van de Capelles oil paintings. The actual texture of this is smooth.  The second painting is called Wheat Field with Cypress. This work was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1889. This just like the first painting is an oil painting.
             Unlike the first painting though this ones actual texture is not smooth, instead it is rough due to the way the artist painted it. Another difference between the two is the coloring that is used. The first painting has very little primary colors while the second painting has more primary colors such as blue for the sky. They both also has cool colors used for the water and the sky. The first picture has a lot of negative space due to the use of white for the sky. The second picture has less empty space due the way it was painted. The clouds are more defined and visible in the second painting.
             The first painting has plenty of lines in it. You can see the lines mainly used in the sails of the boats. Most of the lines are vertical but not all of them are straight. The second painting really doesn't  have any lines in it. Both of these paintings have different types of shapes in them. The first painting has geometric shapes and inorganic shapes in it. The organic shapes would be the clouds and the people on the boats. The geometric shapes would be the sails of the boat. Many of them are a rectangular type shape. The difference in the second painting is that it has no geometric shapes in it. It does have organic shapes which would be the clouds, the trees, the grass, and the wheat field.
             Both of these paintings captured my attention in different ways. The first painting was very calm and very soothing to look at. On the other hand the second painting I found seemed to jump right out at me with its bright colors and differential style of how it was painted. Both are great pieces of art from two different centuries and are unique in their own way.

1 comment:

  1. Great choice in paintings- but why so brief? the essay requires 400-600 words.
