
Thursday, September 18, 2014

This first photograph of unintentional art was taken while I was in the seventh floor computer lab here at Laguardia community college, it is a picture of my headphones and charger intertwined together. The visual elements contained in this picture are actual lines not implied lines. Also this is a two dimensional picture of a three dimensional object. Also the positive space in this picture is the headphones and charger and the negative space is the background and that is table in which the objects are on. The colors in this picture are white and the table is light blue and gray which are cool colors and that is colors that are associated with things like the sky, water and shade. I think this picture is monochromatic because it shows different shades of the same colors and it is a secondary color. In this photograph you can see some of the shadows that are made on the table by the headphones I think this shows that there is implied light in the photograph. Also although in the picture there are no main patterns some shapes that can be seen in the picture are circular shapes, you can also see the different size between the charger and headphones. I also think that the table has a form of implied texture because of the way the surface quality shows different colors that are spotted in the picture which look like blotchy painting, which I guess you can say its a pattern as well.

The second image that I took of unintentional art was taken while I was on my way to school crossing Queens Boulevard. This is a picture of the shadows casted on the pavement made by the elevated train tracks. In this picture there are many visual elements like shapes and patterns, the patterns are of the triangular shapes on the floor. There are also many repeated  lines in the picture both horizontal and diagonal. The positive space in the photograph is the shadows the negative space being the light that is the reasons the shapes appear on the floor. This two dimensional picture shows both light and darkness. The colors in this picture other than the ones in the wall adjacent to the floor which are intentional are white and black because of the shadows on the pavement, this being said black and white are not part of the color wheel. I decided to take this picture because i didn't want to take a picture of an actual object I wanted to take a picture of something that changes constantly for example you wouldn't get the same image if you took this picture at 7 am as opposed to taking it at 7 pm, this shows that light is the main component in this image and it is always changing. Also the shadow is something that is constantly around us whether is the shadow of a building or our own shadow this shows that anything can be art based on how it is perceived by the person.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! Kiara these are great examples and you did such a good job observing the elements and writing about them.
