
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Homework Assignment # 1

For this week's assignment, I decided to use a black and white photo of James Dean that I came across while at a friend's house. In my opinion, the photographer perfectly captures the legendary "cool" of the young man. Unbeknownst to Dean, his time on the earth was about to end, and it is mostly from pictures like this that he is still fondly remembered today. I love the symmetry that is present throughout the shot and the framing is spectacular. I have an art background, and have used practically every medium from charcoal to oil paints, however, though I've always had an interest in photography I sincerely regret never pursuing it as a hobby. I find a good photo inspirational, and it is usually enough motivation for me to dig up my sketchpad. 

1 comment:

  1. Jeffery- remember that blog posts require 250 words minimum. You could have written more here- about the form, and also about the purposes for art that we reviewed in class.
