
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homework Assignment 2: Accidental Art

"The All-Seeing Eye"

Hello class! For this week's assignment I had my initial struggles, like I'm sure most of you experienced. I kept my eyes open for that magical scenario of accident art, but I was often too busy to focus. Yesterday, however, was a different story, as I cleared my plate of distractions and set out to capture ART!

My first piece above, I call The All-Seeing Eye. Located around the back of an apartment building on 88th street in Lindenwood, NY, "The Eye" is a regulation size garden hose that has contorted itself into a vast array of beautiful organic and geometric shapes. The bright green pops brilliantly against the earth-toned negative space below. When I look at this piece I see multiple pyramids with a giant eyeball in the middle. It immediately made me think of the back of a dollar bill, and I think the green helped me make that revelation. "The All-Seeing Eye" is a 3-dimensional piece, and its texture ranges from rough to smooth, depending of course on what areas were still wet from the last use. I believe it is accidental art in every form, as I cannot ever imagine positioning it in a more clever way. 

"Jurassic Forest Park" 

Ok, I know what you are thinking! How in the heck did a T-Rex footprint end up in the middle of Forest Park in Queens, NY?? Well truth be told, this beautiful work of 3-D art was not caused by a dinosaur, but rather a tree that has certainly seen better days. While searching for accidental art (and also dodging golf balls being hit in my general direction), I stumbled across this wonderful crater in the ground. I love the story that this piece can tell you. In its prime, this tree was a giant among its peers and the strongest in the entire park. That is until, what I can only imagine was either a tremendous storm, or out of control case of termites came along. 

The texture is rough and dry. It represents death, but the image is surrounded by life. I love the various earthy browns utilized in the shot, and that goes double for the vibrant greens that you can see in the background. My favorite aspect of this piece would have to be the bright green vegetation that surrounds the tree crater. I believe it accents the work beautifully. 

**Here are a couple of other shots that I took while conducting my search! Hope you enjoy! ** 

1 comment:

  1. Jeffery- you found great examples of accidental art,I wish you wrote more about the visual elements- what about line in the first one? or shape in the second one? This was a 500 word minimum assignment.
