
Thursday, September 18, 2014

HW #2 PIC #2

The sad Plug
We are surrounded of art but sometimes we don’t have the time to sit and appreciate them. for example this plug I don’t know if it is the correct word for that I just translated it from Spanish to English and that was the word that I feel is more related.if it is not the correct word we are going to call it plug for today. When I see this plug the first thing that came to my mind was a sad face that was I called “ the sad plug” as we can see it has geometric shapes for example square  rectangle in the back we can see a triangle it also has negative and positive space which is really interesting because if it wasn’t  for this assignment I would not realize that. I choose the plug because this is something that almost everyone has one at home and not all the people has the time to appreciate this little details that is has.


  1. Are these your original pictures? The assignment required that you take a picture of your own, not find one from the internet. Also, this was a 500 word minimum - you really could have written more about the visual elements, we went over them in detail in class.

    1. no they are not at that day i was having troubles with my cellphone it didnt want to send the pictures to my email so that's why i decided to get them from internet because they are the same as the one that i wanted to submit. so if i do a better job in this assigment would you give me a better grade or I'm too late?
