
Thursday, September 18, 2014

home work 2

         I found an accidental art on Broadway ave  near the elmhurst hospital in queens and I walk through this every, when I go to drop my niece to school and pick her up but till today I didn’t notice that there is some form of art in this picture. Ever since I get off the class I was looking everywhere to find an accidental art, which has some forms of art in it. This art was on the middle of the driving road and I was looking at it for few minutes and taking picture some people might thought that I am going to complain about this. But in real I am having fun observing some accidental art in it. In this art I can see so many lines in there and it gives me a feeling of a sadness and rough. It looks like river forms from a big ocean or a volcano eruption on a small hill. There is geometric shape that is circle and some small square on top of it besides there is some negative space around the circle and the in lines on the side of it. The color of this art is neutral It’s because I didn’t see any primary color but I can see a little bit of secondary color (cool) that is a some green grass on the left side in this picture.  Over all this art color makes me feel weak and a sad. The texture of this art is so rough. There is lots of pattern in this accidental art like the square on the circle and a small circle on top middle of the circle.

          I was looking everywhere for a fine art, which I could talk a lot about it but there is lots of accidental art I could take picture but then when I think about what kind of art terminology to use describe the thing then it let me think for a second. So finally I decided to talk about the white clear beautiful shaped cloud I found yesterday around 5:30pm on PETTIT Ave near my house I was thinking which one I should choose then I looked up while I was thinking and I saw this beautiful cloud in the sky. It just a cloud but it looks so beautiful. When I first look for it I thought I looks like a fish and then when I look carefully I saw it as crab. There is some implied line at beside of the cloud, I feel like all are going in one direction or something like running away. There is no any geometric shape in this art everything is organic and implied from every side of this picture it gives a different look. Somewhere it looks like a camel and for me all the blue sky is negative space. The color of this art is mainly cool because majority are sky blue and just the cloud it self and I can see one more cool color that’s tree. These colors really make feel calm, peace and relax. We never tough or feel how cloud really is but I always imagine that it is very soft like a cotton so surface is soft, smooth and fluffy that how I feel about it. I am so amazed that only in this cloud it gives so many different kind of shape whenever I look at it. Art is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work here Tenzin- you did find some accidental art! and you described the visual elements also.
