
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog post #2

E-273, LaGuardia Community College
There is not much in this picture at all, hence the title being "Minimalist." A majority of it is the pale yellow wall being cut off by the pale orange wall beside it. There is a white fan on the side of the yellow wall, and a majority of the black furniture on the orange wall's side. I feel that the yellow, orange, black, and white compliment each other. It would be too plain with just the yellow and orange walls, I feel that some white on the yellow's side and black on the orange side helps it look less empty. There is a lot of negative space in between the fan and furniture. If the background were just white, this picture would feel as if it is missing or needing something, and I feel like the different colored walls behind them provide this 'something.' Also it is pleasing to see that the white fan is on the yellow side, providing a lighter side than the darker, orange side. These colors go well together because white and yellow are closer than white and orange or yellow and black. If the furniture where on the yellow side and the fan were on the orange side, I do not think the picture would match as much as it does now. A majority of this picture's finesse is the color and space. It all goes together well since the light thing is on the lighter side and the dark thing is on the darker side.

"Secret Kid"
My bookshelf at my house
I titled this "Secret Kid" because I have had a majority of the things currently on my bookshelf since I was younger, today. Although I cleaned up and got rid of a lot more books and things I did not want to keep a little over a year ago, I kept the things that remained a part of my childhood. I'm 18 now, and technically an adult in the eyes of the law. When I'm out I have the responsibilities of an adult, but when I'm home I just turn into a lazy kid again. I think the variety of brighter colors goes well with the brown wood background space. I also lined my books up from biggest to smallest, as before they were lined up according to when I had gotten them. They look better now in this order, I think, since before they just looked unruly. The most important aspects of this picture are line, color, and space. This picture does not show my entire bookshelf, but it does show my favorite part of it, the most attractive in my opinion. People's eyes are more directed to this part than the other sections of my bookshelf because of the vibrancy. I have always thought of bookshelves as cozy in some way, and the wood texture makes it look even more cozier. I think people don't ever really grow up, they just learn what is acceptable for an adult and what is not.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Ariel- you found two very different examples, and described the visual elements well, especially in the first one. The second one also shows pattern, in the wood gran and repeated colors and shapes.
