
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

HW post #1

I started to look around to find art for homework. I surprisingly realized that the places I ordinary passed everyday were surrounded by arts. I did not usually look around the places I used to go because they are same every day. I also did not give myself time to relax while I was walking. However, since I recognized arts around the places, I realized that they started to look different. They look new places. (The paintings on hallway of my house, entrance of my house, subway, paintings on buildings, restaurants, school and park) One of the arts I was interested was a painting in my house. On the hallway, there are four paintings on the wall. One of these paintings got me attention. I am not sure who is artist because there is no name and date on it. It belongs to my landlord. I think the artist tried to give tangible form to feeling and ideas from this painting. There is one figure who is wearing ballet suit. She looks like wearing her ballet shoes to practice alone at night. The figure does not show her face but I feel that she looks sad. I think that artist expressed the figure’s feeling by using dark background colors. The colors make me feel that she might leave alone to more practice ballet. It looks quiet and calm moment but it looks too quiet to feel lonely. I think the artist successfully expressed well the purpose of art on the painting.


  1. This is a beautiful piece , i like you explain the picture of how the artist express them self but you forgot to mention if this is a 2D,3D, or 4D picture .But i still think you did a good job at this, nice work.

  2. Hanna: I am glad you are paying more attention to the art around you.
