
Friday, September 5, 2014

Blog post #1

We see art around us literally everywhere, from building walls to the subway, and even in our own homes. I took this picture of a wooden sculpture in my home that has been in my family ever since I was born and long before it. I do not know the title or the artist who sculpted it, but it was sculpted in the year 1965 in Africa. When my great uncle was in the Navy, he brought it back home with him and gave it to my grandmother who passed it down to my mother.
The art form this piece of art is a 3D sculpture. I think the reason this was sculpted was to record or commemorate. Perhaps the sculptor created this because they or their friend was playing a bongo at the time and wanted to share it with people, or preserve the memory for themself. I am not sure why the head is massive, however. Perhaps this aspect is trying to portray an image or certain feelings. The head shape reminds me of an alien life-form. It could be an alien playing a bongo for all I know, but I think it is a person with a large head because I feel like this sculpture was meant to commemorate an event. Perhaps this was at the time of a festival in an African tribe. The possibilities are endless, and even more so since I do not know much information about it at all except that it was created in 1965.


  1. I think you did a great job naming the art it's correct term by it being a 3D art. The background story of this 3D art is good and I also agree on the term that was used as it's to commemorate an event.

  2. Great Ariel-it's good that you know the story of this sculpture in your family, and good interpretations of its purpose.
