
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Our trip to the galleries was so much fun in my opinion! Honestly call me crazy, but I did not know you can actually go in there for free. I never really hung out around Chelsea but I have bad passed by galleries before but they always look so fancy from the window and I didn't know you can just go in just like that. I loved all the galleries we went to. They all had different medium of artwork. I was so drawn to all the details and hard work all these artist do and to learn that while they're in the process of making their artwork most of these artist don't even get paid until they sell out their artwork and that's if it sells, but of course most famous artist wouldn't have that problem of not selling their artwork. During this trip, in the galleries we visit I noticed many of the rule artist do when they create their masterpiece such as rules of odds, asymmetrical and repetitive colors, negative space etc. I really loved the gallery we went to that the artist used outside billboard posters, to think that billboard posters would just be garbage after it's use and then turn it into art the way they did is amazing. I also loved the gallery that we went to where the artist used glitter on their art. I don't know why but it caught my attention right away I mean I guess because glitter looks so pretty and just makes it stand out more. Now my last but not least, My favorite one was the last gallery we went to. I made the most connect with this artist I didn't get his name but I feel I made the most connect with him because his art is so much fun and so many colors and it shows how much he expressed himself into his work. Oh my god I was in love with every piece in there. Everything was so unique yet complimented each other. I really loved how the wood for that piece in there made the gallery smell, it brought me memories of back home when they burn wood to get the kitchen ready to start to cook back in the days. I also love both artwork that were across each other that took up the whole wall they were like panoramas. The sculptures in there the big gold one was outstanding! So shiny, I can't even imagine how something like that would cost. I will definitely make a trip back to these galleries and more in the near future and take my love ones with me so they can appreciate more art and start to understand it a little better like how I do now.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will go again! The last artist is Takashi Murakami. You can see more of his work online if you google him.
