
Monday, November 17, 2014

essay #2

The trip to the Chelsea Galleries was very fun! I really enjoyed it and was able to see different types of work from different artists. I think it’s amazing how artist can create art out of simple stuff. Since it is modern art, I felt like this art is more relevant to me. Don’t get me wrong; I do love the art from the past. Neo Rauch’s “Hüter der Nacht” captured my attention the most. This painting is an oil on canvas and as you can see consist of human figures. This painting has diagonal lines on the top brown and the cloudy like figures in the back creating a dramatic setting. It consist a lot of geometric and organic shapes. There are analogous colors, like yellow green and different types of blue. I noticed this painting is asymmetrical, the focal point is the man sleeping and it is realistic. Overall this painting captured my attention because as you can see there is a man on the bed sleeping and it seems like that woman and man want to hurt him. To me the lobster claws the woman has on is so when they hurt him, they don’t leave no sign of who did it. The man has broom to maybe clean up what ever they are going to do. The little creature on top of the sleeping man can maybe be the devil since it has two horns and it is kind of reddish. It seems as if the devil is cheering the woman and man on the act they are going to commit. The clouds in the back create a dark setting like if it was about to rain or cry that the man is going to get hurt. That’s my perspective form the painting.

Another painting that captured my attention was from the same artist titled, “Späte Heimkehr”. This painting’s colors help create a scary setting. Black and orange remind me of Halloween also since the all the people have wings, it looks like if they were wearing a customs. This paining looks is abstract and it looks like its saying woman have control over men. There is a man on his knees on the bottom left and another on one of his knees as if he is asking for her forgiveness. We also see a man’s head with a bird’s body and two birds the woman has. Those birds can also be men she already turned into birds. I like this painting because in my perspective it’s implying men need women and if they hurt them or treat them bad, women have the power to control them and get back at them.

I love how another painter decides to make a painting that looks like if they were bubbles or circles but each one different type of colors. One is dark, one is lighter and one has implied light. Some also have patterns inside the bubble like colors or shapes. To me it’s like saying each bubble is different just like the snowflakes. I can even imagine those circles floating around like actual bubbles.

This other painting is made up of glitter and it is so beautiful, it’s my favorite one. The glitter is different colors; it’s a combination of primary and secondary colors. When I look at it I feel like I’m looking into outer space. You just get a sense of the glitter shinning as if it was a star. I love it!

After we were done with the galleries, my boyfriend and me went to two more. They were about photographs. We found it cool how a picture is a thousand words. I can keep going and going but overall I enjoyed this trip. I think I might go back in the summer so see the new exhibitions.

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